MAPNACTF 2024 - Novel Reader Challenges

Posted on Jan 20, 2024
tl;dr: Exploiting path traversal and a logic flaw in word balance calculation to read flags from a novel reading application.

Novel Reader Challenges

Novel Reader

Challenge Overview

The challenge involved a web application for reading novels, with a specific restriction that only public novels could be read.


The key to this challenge was URL decoding. The code snippet:

name = unquote(name)
if(not name.startswith('public/')):
    return {'success': False, 'msg': 'You can only read public novels!'}, 400

suggested that we could use URL encoding to bypass the restriction. The path had to start with public/, so we performed path traversal using this payload: public/%252e%252e/%252e%252e/flag.txt.

Retrieving the Flag

By making a request to /api/read/public/%252e%252e/%252e%252e/flag.txt, we successfully retrieved the flag:

Flag: MAPNA{uhhh-1-7h1nk-1-f0r607-70-ch3ck-cr3d17>0-4b331d4b}

Novel Reader 2

Challenge Overview

The second part of the challenge required reading “A-Secret-Tale.txt” using the same directory traversal technique. However, the flag was located near the end of the tale, and we needed more credits to access it.


The application allowed charging through an API, but we could only accumulate a maximum of 11 word_balance, which was insufficient. The breakthrough came when we discovered we could supply a negative nwords value to the /api/charge endpoint, exploiting the poor validation of credit and setting words_balance to -1.

Retrieving the Flag

This exploit resulted in reading the novel from the beginning to almost the end, due to the buf[0:-1] slice in the code:

buf = readFile(name).split(' ')
buf = ' '.join(buf[0:session['words_balance']])+'... Charge your account to unlock more of the novel!'

And thus, we retrieved the second flag:

"msg": "Once a upon time there was a flag. The flag was read like this: MAPNA{uhhh-y0u-607-m3-4641n-3f4b38571}.... Charge your account to unlock more of the novel!",
"success": true


These challenges demonstrated the importance of thoroughly validating user inputs and the potential dangers of improper handling of URL encoding and arithmetic operations in web applications.